
All messages and sound recordings are copyrighted by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc., or Insight for Living Ministries. All rights are reserved worldwide. Insight for Living Ministries productions are for your personal use only. Duplication of copyrighted material for commercial use is strictly prohibited. Civil and criminal copyright infringement occurs when this production is uploaded to the Internet, publicly performed, copied, or placed on any information storage and retrieval system now known or yet to be invented, without prior written permission from Insight for Living Ministries.

网站内所有文字内容和有声内容版权归查尔斯 R•史温道公司或生活之光事工机构所有。所有版权全球范围内有效。生活之光事工机构制作的内容仅供个人使用。严禁复制受版权保护的内容材料用于商业用途。一切事先未经书面通知,并未得到生活之光事工机构许可,就将本网站内的制作内容上传到互联网,公开播放,传播,复制,或放在任何已知或未知的信息存储和检索系统的行为,均视为民事和刑事范围内侵犯版权之行为